
1 September 2014

White Perspectives

 My selfishness that couldn’t let you go
turned into an obsession that imprisoned you.
Were you hurt because of me?
You sit silently.
Why am I a fool, why can’t I forget you.
You’re already gone.
Your eyes, nose, lips
Your touch that used to touch me,
to the ends of your fingertips.
I can still feel you

Take afternoon walk on 'Little Netherland' at my hometown. I feel sweet wearing Stylenanda chicken50 lace dress combine with GAUDI white shorts and love white one straps heels that I borrowed from my sister. New York Headband from GFO. Fyi, my hair was hair chalked ombre green emerald but it didnt out well!

I found a building tucked in between other old buildings behind the church called Blenduk. Above the main door of the R-ode written Dr-eho-k. Faintly visible letter O, I and E so it should Roode Driehoek which in English means the Red Triangle.
Wearing all white from head to toe has become the simple way for us to look effortlessly stylish. Dare you try this trend?
 till next post babes! :)

Aquila Enrica


  1. omg that stylenanda dress is amazing! <3

  2. Nice look ! xx


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