
16 October 2014

Cape and Black Mid-Autumn

"I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers"
Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale. I wish Indonesia have fall season. And just for you know, October always my favorite month!

If you feel that outerwear like blazer and cardigan kinda boring, you can try CAPE! It can wear to your daily activities! How to wear? I make it basic minimalist, wear cape with all black and wear white kill heels. You can play with pattern or pastel color too!

[A cape is any sleeveless outer garment, such as a poncho, but usually it is a long piece of clothing that covers only the back half of the wearer, fastening around the neck]
Clothingzones Rilakkuma Brown Cape / GFO chain necklace
Firsthandbangkok Lace Short
And finally Surplus Princess landed their happy ending! Seriously why just ended in 10eps, want more please!
Watch online? here
Aquila Enrica


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