
7 December 2020

2 November 2020

12 October 2020

Emily in Paris

If you have a Netflix account, you've probably already marathon-watched their series, Emily in Paris. Starring Lily Collins, Emily in Paris has everything you've been looking for in a new TV show, including a dreamy Paris backdrop, chic street style, and an inspiring social media presence. And I just looove all the chic outfits on these series.

28 September 2020

Aku dan Charger SerbagunaKu #LivewithIT


Disini saya mau share tentang satu benda yang tidak akan lepas dari kita setiap harinya yaitu :


24 August 2020

Feel Pretty

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

19 August 2020

Watu Gajah Park Semarang

Sejak awal pandemi sampai bulan Agustus ini, sudah lama tidak merencanakan liburan bersama keluarga kecilku, karena memang anak saya masih balita jadi memang bener-bener parno keluar rumah.
Tahun lalu waktu libur 17an kami jalan jalan ke Solo, Tahun ini 17an tanpa rencana yang jelas akhirnya kami memilih Watu Gajah Park sebagai tempat wisata. Lokasinya di Dusun Watugajah RT 01 RW 06, Desa, Ngobo, Wringin Putih, Kec. Bergas,Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50552 kira - kira 1 jam dari Kota Semarang melalui jalan tol. Harga tiket masuk weekend : 25rb/orang. 

1 August 2020

CALLA x AylaDimitri

Kolaborasi yang paling aku tungguu
@callathelabel x @ayladimitri

15 June 2020

Food For Thought

    Miss the old universe
When you could do anything without fear and worry
Trying to adapt to this new universe
When you think twice in behaviour
We all hope this too shall pass

4 June 2020

Reply 1988

I don't have feeling to watch this kdrama before
Thanks to quarantine, finally I have time watching Reply 1988.

2 May 2020

Stay In Style

Life as we know it may be on hold, but you can still have fun with fashion while stay at home. Although there is technically no need to dress up right now, you can still inject a fashionable element into your casual stay-home outfits like me in rainbows cardigans, ice cream bag, and cute socks.

8 April 2020

Crash Landing On You

Inspired by Yoon Se Ri' s fashion at L-Drama Crash Landing on You. But I blend into my personal style which colorful and crashing patterns.

21 February 2020


HelooOOOw guys!
Kali ini gw bakalan kasih rekomendasi salah satu hotel menarik, instagramable dan terletak di tengah kota buat kalian. Room Inc Hotel ini, menurut gw unik banget! Cocok banget buat kalian yang mau traveling ke Semarang. Apa sih istimewanya?

21 January 2020